Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Alexander Graham Bell And The Invention Essay - 1132 Words

ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Introduction to ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847 and was a scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator who invented the first telephone. In his later life, Bell did outstanding work in designing optical Telecommunications. Bell also contributed to other inventions as well, he designed a precursor to modern day air conditioning, he also contributed to aviation technology, and his last patent, at the age of 75, was for the fastest hydrofoil yet invented. In 1888, Bell was designated as one of the founding members of the National Geographic Society. Bell and his son-in-law, Gilbert Grosvenor, redesigned the society s dry journal and added beautiful photographs and interesting writing -- turning National Geographic into one of the world s best-known magazines. He is known as one of the founders of Science magazine. Bell died on 2nd August, 1922. On the day of his burial, all telephone service in the US was stopped for one minute in his remembrance. Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, enrolled in the University of London to study anatomy and physiology, but his college time was interrupted when his family moved to Canada in 1870. When Bell was eleven years old, he invented a machine that could clean wheat. He also learned a lot of things from his grandfather, Alexander Bell, a noted speech teacher. He assisted his father by teaching elocution and articulation His father was also a speech teacher and notedShow MoreRelatedThe Invention Of Alexander Graham Bell882 Words   |  4 Pages Alexander Graham Bell was not an American born inventor. He was born in Edinburgh Scotland March 3, 1947. His father was a formal speech teacher. This might account for his early interest in speech and sound. As a boy he was so intrigued with sound he taught himself to play the piano. When he was a teenager his mother began to lose her hearing, and this further perpetuated his entrance and desire to explore sound. Bell was a very smart young man. At age 12 he invented a machine to take theRead MoreWe’ve come a long way from Alexander Graham Bell first invention of the telephone to today’s600 Words   |  3 PagesWe’ve come a long way from Alexander Graham Bell first invention of the telephone to today’s technological gadgets. Advances in technology have helped our fast pace, moving society. For the past two decades, the advances in technology have enable us to communicate by fax, cell phone, e-mail, text message, and other social networks like never before, and the generations before us has a lot to say about it. Few people are sending letters to each other and most are using emails to communicate. It alsoRead MoreThe Man Behind The Invention Of The Telephone1082 Words   |  5 Pagesthe invention of â€Å"Telephone†, it changed the world and the way we communicate. The man behind the invention of the telephone is â€Å"Alexander Graham Bell†. He i s an inventor, teacher, scientist and engineer. 2. Alexander Graham Bell’s early stages of life a. His Family Alexander Graham Bell was born to Alexander Melville Bell and Eliza Grace on March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was named Alexander Bell, he urged his father for a middle name and his father agreed and then he chose â€Å"Graham† asRead MoreEssay about History of Telecommunications588 Words   |  3 Pagespeople and inventions that helped shaped the modern path of telecommunications. It is because of these important people and inventions that have made telecommunications into what it is now. Telecommunications technology has gone through many changes within the last one hundred to two hundred years. Many inventions such as the telephone, telegraph, and teletypewriter, have all had a profound impact on telecommunications. The telephone definitely is one of the most important inventions in telecommunicationsRead MoreA Brief Biography of Alexander Graham Bell Essay example1345 Words   |  6 Pages 91% of adults use cellphones, and without his invention of the telephone, there would never be cellphones, and the way we communicate with the world would be entirely different. (Pewresarch) Michael Hart’s book The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History ranks Alexander Graham Bell as the forty second most influential person in history and he is one of the most influential persons in history. Alexander Graham Bell’s influences of his father and grandfather caused him to takeRead MoreCommunication Is An Important Staple Of Human History868 Words   |  4 Pagesmatter of time before the next sweeping form of interaction changes how we communicate. Before exploring the revolution which took place in the late nineteenth century, it is important to look at the pre-telephone era, the factors that went into the invention of the telephone, how the telephone changed the world, and how it impacts society today. When talking about the pre-telephone era, many people fail to realize that their were many well-established forms of communication. The first official UnitedRead MoreAlexander Graham Bell: A Short Biography Essay1636 Words   |  7 PagesAlexander Graham Bell: A Short Biography Upon hearing the name Alexander Graham Bell, we remember the inventor of the telephone. However, Alexander was much more than just the inventor of the telephone. As a matter of fact he was an audiologist. His family was the leading authorities in elocution and speech correction. He had improved and carried on his families business, along with his brothers. Alexander had created the phone at an early age among inventors- only 29. Later in his career BellRead MoreAlexander Graham Bell1151 Words   |  5 PagesAlexander Graham Bell was a notable scientist and engineer that changed the world with his invention of the telephone. Without the telephone, everyone would not have a reliable communication device. Alexander Graham Bell is considered one of the most influential people in human history. Early Life ~ Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3rd, 1847 at his family home, 16 South Charlotte Street, in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was born to Professor Alexander Melville Bell and Eliza Grace (nee Symonds)Read MoreAlexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray: A Race for Credit808 Words   |  3 Pages A mass of people wonder who was Alexander Graham Bell and who was Elisha Gray. Some say that Alexander was just some person that invited the telephone; Elisha Gray was a person that wanted to be the inverter of the telephone. Alexander was not just some person without him or Elisha Gray it would probably be a long time in until someone thought of the invention. Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922), the Scottish-born American scientist and innovator best known as the person who invented theRead MoreSaera Sophareth Meucci vs. Graham Bell: Final Fight Debate continues to who should be credited700 Words   |  3 PagesSaera Sophareth Meucci vs. Graham Bell: Final Fight Debate continues to who should be credited with inventing the telephone. In 2002, even the US Congress succumbed to the truth and â€Å"changed its mind† on the issue gave credit to the real inventor and rewrote history that the original telephone was in fact invented by Antonio Meucci. Bell was a cunning opportunist who took all the credit for a more brilliant scientist’s work. The House of Representatives voted to recognize telecommunications genius

Monday, December 16, 2019

Signora Da Vinci Free Essays

Catering is the Signora dad Vinci. She is Leonardo mother. She is the daughter off well-educated man, Ernest, Vine’s apothecary. We will write a custom essay sample on Signora Da Vinci or any similar topic only for you Order Now He had an alchemical laboratory, a medicinal garden and an apothecary shop where Catering normally helped. Catering’s mom died when she was a baby. Catering was raised by her dad and by her aunt. At the age of eight, his dad decided she was ready to start her education. Ernest told Catering that eight was the greatest of numbers because it was the number of Infinity: It had no beginning and no end. He said: â€Å"Eight is the number of endless possibility. † (p. 8) That day Ernest took Catering to the third floor, a place where she was not allowed to go before. There she found two rooms. Catering explained what she felt when she entered into the rooms. (p. 9) â€Å"When we entered I found myself in a bright, airy, but unadorned room. It was filled with tables, and the surface of every one of them was covered in books† There were dozens of hand- copied books, one manuscript, for example, was one thousand years old. Her father to to have those books and manuscripts because he worked for the Florentine historian and scholar: Pogo Bracingly who also worked for Cosmic De Medici. Cosmic wanted his people to know the ancient Greek and Roman writers and documents that were destroyed with the great library in Alexandria (Egypt. Many of these were hidden from the Christian church fathers, who thought them heretical. Ernest told her daughter that â€Å"What lied within the pages of those books were truths that they couldn’t allow to be lost to the World. Truths that had to be learned by her. † And Catering did learn. How to cite Signora Da Vinci, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Physics Analysis Essay Example For Students

Physics Analysis Essay Whats wrong with the Detroit Lions?It is obvious to me that the laws of physics can be applied to the game of football. However, The Detroit Lions may be unaware of this fact. With there current 0-12 record they are on a losing streak that could be placed in the record books. No team has ever lost every single football of their whole season. What an embarrassing way to be placed in the record books. Maybe if they looked at some of the laws of physics they could win a game. The passing game for the lions is one area that can be examined. Quarterback Charlie Batch has one of the lowest ratings in the league. He completes a little under 60% of his passes. His average passing yardage is approximately ten yards. Using the knowledge of physics to examine the projectile motion we can help Charlie complete more passes. Lets look at what we know:1. Charlie is about 2 meters tall. 2. His average pass is ten yards or 9 meters. 3. Hes throwing with parabolic trajectory. 4. We will use the equations: The velocity in the horizontal direction (Vx)= The initial velocity (Vi) cos (the angle)The velocity in the vertical direction (Vy)= The initial velocity (Vi) sin (the angle)The distance in the horizontal direction (x)= The velocity in the horizontal direction (Vx) multiplied by The time (t). The gravity is always equal to -9.8m/s squared. From the equations we can say that the initial velocity could be Charlies problem. Say Charlie always passes with an angle of 20 degrees so that it isnt easy for the other team to intercept the pass. This kind of pass would usually takes 2 seconds to get the receiver. This means that Charlies average pass of 9 meters needs and initial velocity of 11m/s to get to the receiver. If any of these things dont work out, or say, Charlie changes his passing angle, the pass will probably be incomplete. Kicking the football can also be an aspect of the game that could improve for the lions. Two weeks ago, Jason Hanson missed 3 field goals. Kicking field goals can be examined from a physics perspective. The football will follow the same parabolic trajectory as passing. Using the Same Equations we can determine the initial velocity needed to make his average 23 meter kick. He usually kicks with an average 40 degree angle. Also it takes 3 seconds for the kick to go threw the uprights. This kick will need a 11.5 m/s initial velocity in order to go threw. Not to mention, the kick also has to be straight as an arrow. For all the things that have to go right, maybe field goals should be worth more than just 3 points. Collisions happen all the time in the game of football. Whoever wins the collision, or keeps going forward, depends on who has more momentum. Momentum could be the difference between running the right threw the opposing defender, or having the defender hit you back and down to the ground. They are one of the most exciting parts of football. You momentum (p) is equal to your mass (m) multiplied by your velocity (v). So, the question is; Would you rather have a fat guy whos really slow, a medium weight guy whos has a medium speed, or a light weight super fast guy? Fact is that it wouldnt really matter. They would all have about the same momentum because all the multiplication of big and small numbers would equal out. The running back of the Detroit Lions weighs about 170 kg and is traveling at 3 m/s. How fast does the huge 250 Newton defensive player have to be traveling?P of Detroit running back = 170 kg * 3 m/s = 510 kg*m/sP of defensive has to equal 510 kg*m/s510 kg*m/s = 250 kg * X m/s510 kg*m/s / 250 kg = about 2 m/sSo, you see that no matter how different the size, to objects can always have the same momentum. It is always possible for a little running back to have enough momentum to break the tackle of the big, strong linebacker. The Lions are in big trouble if they cant get it together soon. The season is coming close to an end and they are still win-less. If they could only realize how many aspects of the game that could be understood with the knowledge of physics. Perhaps the coach should be studying a physics books, instead of the video tapes of the last game. Using projectile motion and momentum could lead to the first Detroit Lion win in 12 games. They should take a small portion of the money that they make an invest in a physics course or two!!!Words/ Pages : 791 / 24

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park Essay Sample free essay sample

The Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park is located about 50 kilometers north of the metropolis Centre of Puerto Princesa. Palawan Philippines. Technically it is about 360 stat mis south of Manila in Midwest seashore of the Mainland of Palawan. Sabang is a beach town about 76kilometers northwest of the chief Industrial Puerto Princesa. The direction of Puerto Princesa ST. Paul Subterranean River and National park is through the City of Puerto Princesa and THE City Tourism and the Park Management ensures that all abide by the Rules. Once you arrived in Sabang. the Underground River is non yet there but acquire at that place either by taking a â€Å"Bangka† a motorised canoe. Sabang was different. the theodolite itself to this blessed small town was harder than anyone would conceive of. But now. it is about every bit soft as a zephyr coming down from the mountain tops. To anyone who hasn’t been in Sabang. We will write a custom essay sample on The Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page it can depict like a Eden that will show you to the Gatess of Eden. The scenery. it is perfect to touch and the woods and the people are merely a laidback. Apart from the River. one must understand that the whole State of Palawan is thickly forested and that diverseness of Biological species is far beyond scientific finds. The river country is covered in thick wood. some are terrains and districts that aren’t truly inhabited by worlds until now. The thick wood is found within the country of the river and national park is largely subjugated by hardwood species of trees. Even the forest found in the country is diverse from the mountain to the coastal. The diverseness of the trees species in the river is represents a really of import function in the Bio-diversity. The park direction and the City Government guarantee that all the abide to the jurisprudence in respect to the conversation and the sustainability of the country including tourer. foreign and local. There are about 800 workss species recorded to be found within the country. These figures do include those species that have a industrial importance. The diverseness of Wildlif e found in the country of Sabang or within the country of legal power of the Subterranean River and National Park plays an of import function in whole diverseness species in Palawan. the park itself has a record of 165 species of Birds which amounts to approximately 67 % of the entire birds found in the island of Palawan. Among the birds species populating in the country are those who are internationally claimed to the endangered such as the Philippine cockatoo and the Palawan Inachis io pheasant. There are plenty mammals that are besides populating in the Subterranean River and National Park countries. Among the celebrated one are the endemic to the island of Palawan. the Palawan Bearcat. Palawan hedgehog and the Palawan long-tailed Macaque. Furthermore. there are about 8 species of chiropterans nesting in the cave of the River. The popularity of the reptilians in the country are so apparent in the images because of the tourers acquiring so amazed of the Monitor Lizard. more normally known to the locals â€Å"Bayawak† . nevertheless. there are about 19 species of reptilians recorded to populate to the country which 8 are endemic. The Marine ecosystem is one of the interesting topic. the beautiful sand bars and clean sea H2O of the park are non merely for people to wonder as they visit but are really home to the endangered species to capsize such as the green sea polo-neck and the Hawksbill polo-neck. One of the great manner to see Palawan’s Marine life is through Diving. it will sure open your eyes to another universe that exists apart from that you usually see. The best of Puerto Princesa Diving is brought by the one of the innovators in Marine preservation and Underwater Diving in Palawan. Palawan’s Underground River is remains as one of the sanctuaries for species of this planet easy vanishing. among the most of import message this topographic point bring humanity is to raise consciousness of how of import natural sanctuaries are and if possible topographic point them as the top precedence before any industrialisation. the exhibition of nature’s beauty within the Sabang country is merely a glance of Mother Nature’s Beauty. It is humbling and a invariable that even great human race can be in design. architecture and engineering. she reigns above all. Palawan Underground River is known in rather a few names that it might be a small confusing for our g oing friends around the Earth. Underground River so a generic term to the pertain to this fantastic humanistic disciplines of Nature. It is a river fluxing within the mountain of St. Paul and the river flows straight to the sea. Hence. the name St. Paul is besides being used. Recently. it was voted and officially declared as One of Nature Seven Wonders by the World Wide Web. n7w. com. or the foundation of 7wonders of Nature. The declaration and vote is planetary and its preliminary itself was a tolling procedure. Fortunately. planetary ballots revealed that the Underground River in Palawan is One of the New 7Wonders of Nature. The term Puerto Princesa Undergrounds River and Palawan Underground River are the official name of St. Paul Subterranean River and National Park. the last spot was a small tough wasn’t it? However. there is merely one olympian river in the universe that meriting to be called the â€Å"Queen of Them All† and that is the Underground River Palawan. Since the tourer around the universe are get downing flocking to see the admirations of the Underground River. it has been reported that by 2016. because of the increasing popularity of the finish. tourers in the country may make 1. 2 million. more than double the figure of visitants last twelvemonth. The cave opens up to a immense â€Å"Cathedral† with a ceiling several metres above the sea degree. Inside the Cathedral was a stone formation was known as â€Å"The Holy Family† . one could clearly place the characters such as Jesus. Mary and Joseph from the stone formation. We can besides establish what they called â€Å"The Giant Candle† would lapidate a tourers with it size. One its organic structure were lines and contours form by nature. It was one of the largest formation found inside the cave. There are tonss of stone formation that we can establish inside the cave. I have an illustration in several pages. The belowground River is besides place of some animals such as swallow birds winging around the cave numbered at approximately 200. 000 and the legion chiropterans hanging on the cave’s stone formation. There are besides two nature trails that available to trek to the oral cavity of the belowground river: The monkey trail which may decelerate pac ing to the cave might take you about 2. 5 hours. but if you walk faster. it can merely 1 and half. The trail were named monkey trails because of the population of monkeys populating in this country. Another trails is the jungle trails. through these. the entryway of the belowground river is a small spot farther. yet it is more disputing for more adventuresome people. There are more wildlife you can spotted here in the trek and it takes you higher up in the mountain and non the usual transition. The trek is reasonably marked. More frequently than that. tourers are bit baffled of the location of the belowground river cave. Some think that it is separate island that’s why you need to take a boat. but the truth is. it is non separate island. it is merely the affair that if sit a boat it is quicker to acquire at that place. But there’s another manner to acquire at that place. you can walk to the cave through the mountain and acquire your cameras filled with beautiful and interesting exposures of the vegetations and zoologies of sabang. If you are interested to see and see the different natural stone formation. the best clip would be during summer. these are the months o f April to August. Some Natural stone formation that we can establish inside the Cave Some of the birds that we can establish in the country of the belowground river Some of the Reptiles that we can establish in the country of the belowground river

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Repression Essays - Freudian Psychology, Mental Processes

Repression Essays - Freudian Psychology, Mental Processes Repression When forming a memory, the brain takes what we see, hear, smell, feel, and or taste, and fills in the blank spots with information that we have perceived from common knowledge and stores it as a memory. But sometimes something happens that is so shocking that the mind grabs hold of the memory and pushes it underground, into some inaccessible corner of the unconscious. There it sleeps for years, or even decades, or even forever- isolated from the rest of mental life. Then, one day it may rise up and emerge into consciousness. When the unconscious tucks away a memory, to hopefully be forgotten, it is called Repression. Repression is a defense mechanism derived from Sigmund Freud near the beginning of the century (Gay 18-19). But if a person cannot recall a memory, was it ever really a memory? Did it ever really happen? If so, can the conscious be manipulated and made to think that, through controversial methods such as hypnosis or a truth serum called sodium pentathol, a false event ac tually happened? (Accused) And if these false events are believed, then can the manipulated mind be used in court cases to sue the people who caused the traumatic experience? When Freud discovered the idea behind repressed memories he then had to come up with a way to recover then. A process known as psychoanalysis was formed. The theory of repression and recovery became a corner stone to understanding some of our own neurosis (Gay 18-19). When Freud began to use this method frequently, he did not know what psychologists would do with the theory today, nor did he realize that people would ever use this as a method of fraud. In 1990 a case went to trial against a man accused of murder 20 years earlier. He was accused of killing his daughters best friend. The daughter, now an adult, began to remember slowly events that occurred and pieced together enough information to convict her father. He was the first man to ever go to trial and be convicted of murder of the grounds of a recovered memory (repressed memories). In this particular case, was the daughter beginning to remember these events before she began therapy or was this such a traumatic event that in order to settle it within her own mind, she had to come up with her own solution? When a memory becomes locked away, it can be permanent or temporary depending on the severity of the traumatic experience. Through psychoanalysis, the memory can be brought back. The process is a detailed inquiry of the persons past and past relations and events, which are recorded and analyzed. (Gay 479) Through this process, the psychologist then can determine whether or not there is more there to be brought out. This is where hypnosis and other controversial methods can come into play. When you are under hypnosis, you are completely vulnerable and susceptible to influence. Memories can then be implanted by use of descriptive details, inserted characters and fictitious plot elaboration. (Accused) There are also three ways in which memory can be affected: when it is stored, while it is being stored and when it is retrieved. During each of these times something could be misunderstood, or implanted. Psychologists are not the only influences our brain has. Recollections of horror movies, comic books, nightmares, anything on TV are liable to get garbled in our memories and tossed around to confuse us. Possibilities of retrieval of lost memories are plentiful. Memories of these things can come out in the hypnosis therapy and therapists think it to be true and valid information. But not only is it up to the techniques reliability, but it is also up to the mind and soul of the person to distinguish these other influences and recapture the true event. Knowing that evidence exists that memories can be implanted and that the mind is so easily mislead, it makes you wonder about your own past. It makes you almost want to remember things that your not even sure existed. It also makes you wonder why people would want to dredge up memories if they are not real. There is no easy answer or explanation to the theory of

Friday, November 22, 2019

Theories of Ideology in Sociology

Theories of Ideology in Sociology Ideology is the lens through which a person views the world. Within the field of sociology, ideology is broadly understood to refer to the sum total of a persons values, beliefs, assumptions, and expectations. Ideology exists within society, within groups, and between people. It shapes our thoughts, actions, and interactions, along with what happens in society at large. Ideology is a fundamental concept in sociology. Sociologists study it because it plays such a powerful role in shaping how society is organized and how it functions. Ideology is directly related to the social structure, economic system of production, and political structure. It both emerges out of these things and shapes them. Ideology vs. Particular Ideologies Often, when people use the word ideology they are referring to a particular ideology rather than the concept itself. For example, many people, especially in the media, refer to extremist views or actions as being inspired by a particular ideology (for example, radical Islamic ideology or white power ideology) or as ideological. Within sociology, much attention is paid to what is known as  the dominant ideology, or the particular ideology that is most common and  strongest in a given society. However, the concept of ideology itself is actually general in nature and not tied to one particular way of thinking. In this sense, sociologists define ideology as a persons worldview and recognize that there are various and competing ideologies operating in a society at any given time, some more dominant than others. Ultimately, ideology determines how we make sense of things. It provides an ordered view of the world, our place in it, and our relationship to others. As such, it is deeply important to the human experience, and typically something that  people cling to and defend, whether or not they are conscious of doing so. And, as ideology emerges out of the  social structure  and  social order, it is generally expressive of the social interests that are supported by both. Terry Eagleton, a British literary theorist, and intellectual explained it this way in his 1991 book  Ideology: An Introduction: Ideology is a system of concepts and views which serves to make sense of the world while obscuring the  social interests  that are expressed therein, and by its completeness and relative internal consistency tends to form a  closed  system and maintain itself in the face of contradictory or inconsistent experience. Marxs Theory of Ideology German philosopher Karl Marx  is considered the first to provide a theoretical framing of ideology within the context of sociology. Michael Nicholson  / Contributor  / Getty Images According to Marx, ideology emerges out of a societys mode of production. In his case and in that of the modern United States,  the economic mode of production is capitalism. Marxs approach to ideology was set forth in his theory of  base and superstructure. According to Marx, the superstructure of society, the realm of ideology, grows out of the base, the realm of production, to reflect the interests of the ruling class and justify the status quo that keeps them in power. Marx, then, focused his theory on the concept of a dominant ideology. However, he viewed the relationship between base and superstructure as dialectical in nature, meaning that each affects the other equally and that a change in one necessitates a change in the other. This belief formed the basis for Marxs theory of revolution. He believed that once workers  developed a class consciousness  and became aware of their exploited position relative to the powerful class of factory owners and financiers- in other words, when they experienced a fundamental shift in ideology- that they would then act on that ideology by organizing and demanding a change in the social, economic, and political structures of society. Gramscis Additions to Marxs Theory of Ideology The working-class revolution that Marx predicted never happened. Nearly 200 years after the publication of The Communist Manifesto, capitalism maintains a strong grip on global society and  the inequalities it fosters continue to grow. Fototeca Storica Nazionale.  / Contributor  / Getty Images   Following on the heels of Marx, the Italian activist, journalist, and intellectual  Antonio Gramsci  offered a more developed theory of ideology to help explain why the revolution did not occur. Gramsci, offering his theory of  cultural hegemony, reasoned that dominant ideology had a stronger hold on consciousness and society than Marx had imagined. Gramscis theory focused on the  central role played by the  social institution of education  in spreading the dominant ideology and maintaining the power of the ruling class. Educational institutions, Gramsci argued, teach ideas, beliefs, values, and even identities that reflect the interests of the ruling class, and produce compliant and obedient members of society that serve the interests of that class. This type of rule is what Gramsci called cultural hegemony. The Frankfurt School and Louis Althusser on Ideology Some years later, the  critical theorists  of  the Frankfurt School turned their attention to the role that art,  popular culture, and mass media play in disseminating ideology. They argued that just as education plays a role in this process, so do the social institutions of media and popular culture. Their theories of ideology focused on the representational work that art, popular culture, and mass media do in telling stories about society, its members, and our way of life. This work can either support the dominant ideology and the status quo, or it can challenge it, as in the case of  culture jamming. Jacques Pavlovsky  / Contributor  / Getty Images Around the same time, the French philosopher Louis Althusser developed his concept of the ideological state apparatus, or the ISA. According to Althusser, the dominant ideology of any given society is maintained and reproduced through several ISAs, notably the media, religion, and education. Althusser argued that each ISA does the work of promoting illusions about the way society works and why things are the way they are. Examples of Ideology In the modern United States, the dominant ideology is one that, in keeping with Marxs theory, supports capitalism and the society organized around it. The central tenet of this ideology is that U.S. society is one in which all people are free and equal, and thus, can do and achieve anything they want in life. A key supporting tenet is the idea that work is morally valuable, no matter the job. Together, these beliefs form an ideology supportive of capitalism by helping us make sense of why some people achieve so much in terms of success and wealth  while others achieve so little. Within the logic of this ideology, those who work hard are guaranteed to see success. Marx would argue that these ideas, values, and assumptions work to justify a reality in which a very small class of people holds most of the authority within corporations, firms, and financial institutions. These beliefs also justify a reality in which the vast majority of people are simply workers within the system. While these ideas may reflect the dominant ideology in modern America, there are in fact other ideologies that challenge them and the status quo they represent. The radical labor movement, for example, offers an alternative ideology- one that instead assumes that the capitalist system is fundamentally unequal and that those who have amassed the greatest wealth are not necessarily deserving of it. This competing ideology asserts that the power structure is controlled by the ruling class and is designed to impoverish the majority for the benefit of a privileged minority. Labor radicals throughout history have fought for new laws and public policies that would redistribute wealth and promote equality and justice.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Total Quality Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Total Quality Management - Essay Example TQM has been designed for companies that are operating in various disciplines and for this reason, each company has different uses and implementation technique of TQM. However, there are organizations that fail to implement TQM at an operational level. Some of the reasons for the failure are as follows:Â   Rigid Organizational CultureOne of the key reasons for failure of TQM is that the implementation of this process requires patience and agility and it requires flexibility in organizational culture. Organizations are required to change their paradigm from a functional to customer focus approach. Organizations that are unable to cope up with this approach can face detrimental consequences because implementation of TQM is not easy and it requires mobility to changing customer needs and business trends. Not every organization can cope up to such changes and this is certainly one of the reasons of failed implementation of TQM.Resistance to ChangeIf a company wants to implement TQM, it should first communicate to its employees the importance of TQM. Every single employee, from the lowest to the highest hierarchical level, should be accepting and willing to adopt this organizational change (Donaldson & Munir, 2013). However, such changes are not successful at times because some employees do not want to come out of their comfort zone and resist to any sort of change. Employees fail to understand the importance of this activity and do not understand that this will improve the productivity and profitability of the company.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Shakespeares Use of Subplots in King Lear Essay

Shakespeares Use of Subplots in King Lear - Essay Example The author has rightly presented that King Lear main plot revolves around Lear’s bad decision making that sees him disowning his own daughter Cordelia who is faithful to him and awarding his two treacherous daughters Goneril and Regan with a portion of his immense wealth. The subplot kicks in when Earl Gloucester and his two controversial sons get introduced into the story of the play, the illegitimate Edmund and Edgar the loyal one. A clear relationship is seen between the main plot and the subplot by two characters who assume the leadership and fatherly role, King Lear and Earl of Gloucester, they are both deceived by their children. Characters that constitute the subplot in Earl of Gloucester, Edmund and Edgar touch on the reflection on the major acts such as betrayal and madness hence highlight major themes. In William Shakespeare’s King Lear subplot development elaborated by Earl Gloucester, Edmund and Edgar's characters has been influential in giving a strong sens e of resonance, contradiction and complication to the major themes of father-child relationship, reconciliation and good versus evil hence strengthening the fact that subplot as a literature tool is an important asset in plays or stories plot development and helps to boldly portray the important message intended. Resonance as a subplot aspect in ‘King Lear’ resonates or binds the subplot and main plot and helps in bringing out the major theme the play was intended to portray. Father-child relationship is seen to be twisted in both positive and negative way.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Macbeth Essay Example for Free

Macbeth Essay In Shakespeares famous play, Macbeth, the themes of murder, guilt, ambition and the ruthless pursuit of power is explored. He does this through the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth who are tied together in an eerie search for absolute power. Throughout the play, Macbeth reveals many traits that have horrible consequences for Macbeth himself and for Scotland. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth portrays himself as a noble, sincere man who would die for his country but as the play moves forward we discover that we may have been misled. At first it seems that Macbeth is a noble warrior, but as time goes on it becomes apparent that he is a cruel, heartless tyrant, particularly when he murders Duncan and Macduffs’ wife and babes. At the start of the play, Macbeth believes the witches’ prophesies which foretell that he will become king. After he tells Lady Macbeth ‘My dearest partner of greatness’ of the witches prophesies, Lady Macbeth hatches a plan to kill the king of Scotland, which eventually results in horrible consequences for Macbeth and Scotland. Lady Macbeth explains her plan to Macbeth and her vision for his accession to the throne which would require the removal of Duncan. She suggests the murder of Duncan. Macbeth begins to feel weary and starts to have doubts. Lady Macbeth is insanely ambitious for her husband to become king, so much so that she states ‘I would, while it was smiling on my face, have pluck’d my nipple from his boneless gums, and dash’d the brains out’ rather than go back on her word like her husband has just done. However, little did either of them know that the repercussions for the killing of the king would lead to their own deaths. The people of Scotland were living in fear of an uncertain future, which influenced them to turn against their new king. Lady Macbeth is the driving force behind the murder of Duncan. She is ruthless. She was prepared to kill Duncan herself but found that he reminded her of her father and failed to go through with it only to find a few hours later, that Macbeth had carried out the deed. From there on it was a downhill slide into insanity for Macbeth as he could not live with the guilt. After murdering King Duncan, Macbeth fears he will never sleep again ‘Methought I heard a voice cry â€Å"Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. The consequences for Scotland were catastrophic as they lost their noble king and instead found themselves being ruled by a psychopathic tyrant. Macbeth became paranoid and suspicious of everyone around him. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth could never have envisaged the consequences for themselves and their plans for the future began to fall apart. Keeping the murder of Duncan a secret tormented the couple, leading Macbeth to commit further murders. Banquo posed a threat because Macbeth feared he would get in the way of accession to the throne. He decided to hire assassins to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. Banquo is murdered and Fleance flees. That night, Macbeth is crowned and a banquet is held to celebrate. During the banquet Macbeth see’s the ghost of Banquo and has a breakdown. Lady Macbeth comes to his rescue. She tells his guests that he is having hallucinations which he has suffered from since childhood. In this scene we see Macbeth being driven mad with guilt. ‘It will have blood; they say, blood will have blood’. Behind Macbeths back, somewhere in Scotland, Lennox is walking with another lord discussing the consequences the death of Duncan will have on Scotland. Both suspect Macbeth whom they have called a ‘tyrant’, of the murder of Banquo even though Fleance has been blamed. The lord tells Lennox that Macduff has gone to England, where he will join Malcolm in pleading with England’s King Edward for aid. News of these plots prompted Macbeth to prepare for war. When Macbeth realised that Macduff had gone to England, he brutally murders Macduffs’ wife and babes who were left unprotected. All sympathy for Macbeth vanishes and is seen as a cold-blooded murderer. Macbeth reaches his lowest ebb after the murder of Macduff’s wife and babes. When Lady Macbeth commits suicide he is left with no alternative but to face his demons. Macbeth now faces the consequences of the murders alone. He goes into battle defiant and is determined not to give up. Going into war, Macbeth is faced with the prospect that he might die. He then recites his famous last words ‘Yet I will try the last. Before my body I throw my warlike shield. Lay on, Macduff, and damn’d be him that first cried, â€Å"Hold, enough! †Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and is killed by Macduff in battle. The question remains, was Macbeth a tragic hero or was he in fact an overly ambitious, ruthless tyrant? The killing of Duncan does have terrible consequences for Macbeth and for Scotland, but after Macbeths’ death, Scotland’s reputation was restored. Freed from tyranny, the rightful king, Feance, took Macbeths place and descended the throne.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Limits to Growth in Elite Sport :: Sports Sport Athletics Essays

Limits to Growth in Elite Sport ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the ethical implications and problems in elite sport as it gets closer to the human performance limit. Modern elite sport must be viewed on the background of the idea of systematic progress. The Olympic motto, 'citius, altius, fortius'-faster, higher, stronger-gives a precise concentration of this idea. Modern sport is also influenced by the liberal idea of a free market where actors can perform, compete and be rewarded according to performance. However, one may ask why and how athletes are willing to risk their health and even their life on the free market of sport when they do the extreme: push limits, break records, set new standards, develop new events. This paper discusses what may be the result as sport moves toward the limits of human performance. The ethical focus on the development of the elite sport should not be restricted to the individual athlete, but should also include the various systems that make up elite spor t. Other actors, like coaches, leaders, sponsors, medical personnel, service people, etc., are taking part in the same development. One problem in the modern context is that society is divided into different moral sectors. What is accepted in entertainment or art may not be accepted in sport. It is suggested that we should develop a common ethic for all performance-centered activities like music, painting, science and research, acrobatics and stunts, acting, top politics and business. Or one could include all situations and events where people are put under extreme stress and have to perform well, like during expeditions, in idealistic humanitarian work, during hazards, and catastrophes. At the same time, one should not develop a sort of elite ethic. We need a new ethic that defines the ethical tolerance level in elite sport and that also points to some of the possibilities for development of both character and virtues under extreme pressure. Introduction The Olympic motto  «citius, altius, fortius » - faster, higher, stronger - gives a precise concentrate of the strong belief in eternal progress. To break barriers, to push limits, is very important and central in elite sport; to be the first under 10 seconds on 100 meter sprint for men, the first under 4 minutes in one English mile, the first over 6 meter in pole-vaulting or the first over 9 meter in long jump, and so on.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Increasing Crime Rates in India and Ways to Curb It Essay

Human society is gradually but surely criminalised.Everyday the newspapers report ghastly murders, sensational robberies , rapes , thefts and kidnappings. Naturally , the graph of crime in today’s society is sharply on the rise . Living has become quite risky , unplesant and unsafe . Women and old people are the worst suffers. Our cities have become the dens of smugglers and criminals . The capitals of India , new delhi , has earned a rare notoriety in this respect . It is not only political capital but also the crime-capital of India . Growing unemployment and lacks of motivation among the educatedyoungmen have drawn many of them to the world of crimes . Thefts and way-layings are no more the monoply of illiterate ruffians . Gradustes in jeans are now the active members of the crime-world . The new wave of consumerism has added only fuel to the fire. craze for the foreign goods , cars , bikes , dresses , and cosmetics has fuelled their ambition . They need fats money to fulfil their never dying desires. Another main reason is broken families or single parenthood. here children will not get any attention neither from the family nor from the society; feels alone and makes them engage in crimes. For instance , Children those have unpleasant past experiences would be rebellious to society. Medias like internet, and detective novels also plays a tangible role in making them worse. There are no short cuts to reduce the growing crime rate in society ofcourse , it is the duty of the police to maintain law and order in public . Efficent and impartial fuctioning of the police can help in curbing the crime rate in society . But the health of society depends om many other factors. The army of unemployed youngmen is sweling . Naked materialism and consumerism have overpowered their minds and morals . Moral education in school can quite helpful in bringing down the crime rate effectively. To put it in a nutshell, todays children are tomorrows law abiding citizens. Everything should start from the root level. Government and society are equally responsible to make them perfect and to avoid crimes.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ethics Simulation Essay

Ethical dilemmas are a constant in the business world. In order for an individual to be adaptive to the ever changing rolls of their jobs it is in their best interest to research their company’s standard operating procedures as well as being informed on new company policies that are being implemented. In doing this research however, the individual will notice that specific problems are not always documented or covered in these manuals. In the area of ethics, people who are given authority must use various lenses to ensure that the company is meeting the expectations of its employees to guarantee their rights and fair treatment. Developing these virtuous attributes is geared at developing cohesion amongst employees, efficiency, and developing a positive reputation. Although there are many ways to resolve an intercompany dispute, the most ethically sound decision comes from people in positions of power being informed of the issue and setting their sights on ensuring fairness and ruling in favor of the option that creates the greatest overall good. This paper will examine the two Ethics Game examples and follow the worksheet format for answering questions. The issue presented in dilemma number one arises from an employee named Aaron Webb who posted sensitive company information. His posting was not derogatory in nature however the information is considered private. Many companies guard their information and keeping their core competencies sacred in order to remain competitive. Another employee named Jamal Moore sent an anonymous message revealing through hacking into Webb’s computer that Webb has many of these sensitive files loaded on his personal computer. The issue arises of how to respect the personal views of employees outside of the workplace. The primary stakeholders for this issue are the shareholders, the General Counselor, the Director of IT, the VP of HR, Jamal Moore, and Aaron Webb. Some of the duties that the company makes clear are allowing the employee the right to voice their opinion, as guaranteed by the first amendment to the constitution. However, an employer may legally limit this right if the information is considered private and proprietary. Management has the duty to make sure that its information isn’t leaked for the sake of all other stakeholders. There is a duty to address concerns about the company. By allowing this type of communication, problems are clarified and avoided. Employees should be happy when their rights to privacy are protected, their concerns are heard, and important information is guarded. In this dilemma, shareholders have a medium impact. How the company is viewed and evaluated by the public may decrease shareholder confidence and decrease its value. The CLO has a medium impact because his or her judgment may be called into play and reflect their decision making abilities. The VP of HR and the Director of Safety and Security have low impact when it comes to this problem as long as they have both fulfilled their obligations with informing the ultimate decision makers of the problem. Jamal Moore and Aaron Webb have high impact on this decision because this dilemma could potentially end their employment abilities or lead to punishment. My core values of the situation are embodied by recognizing loyalty. Although these employees may be misguided, more information given to them on the issue at hand could serve to make them better employees and avoid litigation. All members of the company must come to a deeper understanding that sensitive materials should be handled with care. As long as the integrity of the department is secured, the company can still benefit. In the second dilemma, there is a need for a security policy that provides for the safety of employees and also accommodates special needs, such as for Aisha Mullah, who is muslim and religiously not allowed to uncover her face in the work environment. The stakeholders in this situation are the company shareholders, the VP of HR, the Associate Director of Operations, other employees, the Training Manager, and Aisha Mullah. As an employee, you should be guaranteed that processes be followed. The right to be informed about security policies and exceptions should also be guaranteed. Arguably the most important, the right to express one’s opinion about policies and their impact should be guaranteed as well. The option that best suits this situation is to implement a photo I. D.  security system and to make accomodations for individuals with special needs. This will have a positive effect on the stakeholders, demonstrating the company’s ability to adapt to the needs of various individuals and be progressive in a diverse world. This decision reflects my core values by not excluding anyone on the basis of religion. Managing diversity means providing the climate for a productive workplace and seeking out qualified employees who should not be the subject of judgment or overlooked due to their race, creed, disability, sex, or place of origin. Other employees see this fairness and view it as attractive. A harsh, less understanding work environment drives employees away. By giving timely feedback to Aisha, treating her fairly, and upholding the company values, the company is strengthened. As a person of power, self development is a continual process and allows an individual to prepare for difficult decisions such as these. On the first simulation, a score of 1 out of 5 was achieved which demonstrates a relatively low risk. On the second simulation a score of 0 out of 5 was achieved which shows virtually no risk. Overall points earned were 25,600 out of 29,000. Important rights to remember for this project are the first amendment to the Constitution, and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. People of the United States are guaranteed the right to freedom of speech, and expression. People of the United States are also guaranteed that employers will not discriminate on the basis of religious beliefs. By using the ethical lenses which were demonstrated through this simulation, future leaders of America can be more informed on how to best handle intercompany issues while providing for the best option to all the stakeholders involved. We must be aware of the four lenses and know how to identify the key factors. By being informed and choosing the most virtuous choice available, companies will poise themselves to achieve high praises from their communities, their shareholders, and the stakeholders, down to the individual whose liberties and rights were defended.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Manufacture and storage of khoa Essay Example

Manufacture and storage of khoa Essay Example Manufacture and storage of khoa Essay Manufacture and storage of khoa Essay Abstraction Khoa is a traditional dairy merchandise which is produced in India by both organized and unorganised sector. It is the base for assorted traditional Sweets manufactured in India. Apart from the traditional method of fabricating khoa many methods were developed late for the industry and storage of it. In the present essay I had mentioned about assorted engineerings available for industry and storage of khoa. Introduction Harmonizing to the National Dairy Development Board, India the one-year production of milk during the twelvemonth 2007-2008 is 104.8 million metric tons. India has two types of sectors for the selling of milk and its merchandises, one is organized sector and another is unorganised sector. The unorganised sector histories for 88 % of entire milk production in India and it includes selling of natural milk and traditional merchandises such as locally manufactured ghee, fresh cheese, and Sweets. The organized sector histories for 10-12 % of entire milk production in India and it includes the dairy co-ops and organized private dairies which produces Western-style dairy processed merchandises based on pasteurisation. The portion of organized sector in the entire milk production handling is increasing by the old ages ( FAO, 2002 ) .In India out of all dairy merchandises consumed traditional merchandises account for over 90 per centum. In order to protect the excess milk from spoilage simple procedures were developed to bring forth merchandises like curds ( yoghurt-like fermented merchandise ) , Makkhan ( butter ) , Khoa ( desiccated milk merchandise ) , Chhana and Paneer ( soft bungalow cheese-like civilized merchandise ) and Ghee ( clarified butter ) ( FAO, 2001 ) . And about 7 % of milk produced in India is converted to khoa ( ICMR, 2000 ) . KHOA MANUFACTURING PROCESS In India khoa is traditionally manufactured by uninterrupted boiling of milk in a shallow Fe or unstained steel vas to take wet and the procedure continues till the entire solid degree is attained in the scope of 65 to 72 % ( Pal and Raju, 2006 ) . As per the Prevention of Food Adulteration ( PFA ) , India ( 1955 ) regulations, khoa sold by whatever assortment or name such as Pindi, Danedar, Dhap, Mawa, or Kava which is obtained from cow or American bison ( or caprine animal or sheep ) milk or milk solids or a combination at that place of by rapid dehydration and holding non less than 30 per cent milk fat on dry weight footing. The Bureau of Indian Standards has given the demands for three types of khoa, viz. Pindi, Danedar and Dhap in footings of entire solids, fat, ash, sourness, coliforms and barm and cast counts ( Indian Standard ( IS ) : 4883, 1980 ) . A minimal fat degree of 5.5 in American bison milk is required to accomplish the PFA criterion. Khoa has been categorized into t hree major groups i.e. Pindi ( for Burfi, Peda ) , Dhap ( Gulabjamun ) and Danedar ( Kalakand ) on the footing of composing, texture and terminal usage. KHOA MANUFACTURING PROCESS CHEMICAL ASPECTS Khoa contain 75-80 % wet, 25-37 % fat, 17 -20 % protein, 22-25 % milk sugar, and 3.6-3.8 % ash ( Aneja et al. 2002 ) .The milk is subjected to high heat temperature during the industry of khoa which initiates figure of physico-chemical alterations ensuing in features centripetal, textural and structural belongingss in khoa. The uninterrupted warming will cut down H2O activity, inactivates assorted milk enzymes and destruct infective and spoilage micro-organisms apart from development of desirable spirits and texture. The warming procedure promotes the denaturation and curdling of milk proteins and the procedure is more rapid due to foaming and incorporation of air by uninterrupted stirring ( Sindhu et al. 2000 ) . The break of fat globule membrane and subsequent release of free fat that history for 44.8-62.8 per centum of entire fat in khoa occurs due to vigorous agitation during heating procedure of milk ( Mann and Gupta, 2006 ) . Adhikari et Al. ( 1994 ) has studied the interaction between milk supermolecules during warming of American bison milk utilizing Transmission Electron Microscopy ( TEM ) and ascertained casein-casein, casein-whey protein and casein-lactose interaction with gradual warming of milk. The khoa made with buffalo milk and milk of high sum solid will hold more brown coloring material in the terminal merchandise and this is due to browning reactions ( Gothwal and Bhavdasan1992 ) . Patil et Al. ( 1992 ) has investigated khoa microstructure utilizing scanning negatron microscope ( SEM ) and revealed that khoa consists of larger protein granules made up of partly fused casein micelles and non-micellar proteins. They besides observed decrease in the size of protein granules and inter-granular infinite during working or agitation of khoa industry procedure and it besides resulted in big sum of fat globules membrane fractions. FACTORS AFFECTING KHOA QUALITY Type of milk: Buffalo milk is by and large used alternatively of cow milk for the industry of khoa due to its higher output, softer organic structure and smooth texture. The khoa manufactured from cow milk have dry surface, xanthous coloring material, gluey and flaxen texture ( Pal and Gupta, 1985 ) . Sum of free fat: An optimal sum of free fat is necessary for desirable organic structure and textural belongingss of khoa ( Boghra and Rajorhia,1982 ) . Entire solid degree: There is important positive correlativity between entire solid degree milk and instrumental hardness, cohesiveness and chewiness of khoa ( Gupta et al. , 1990 ) . Working of Khoa: The formation of big lactose crystals can be reduced through working of khoa when compared to un-worked khoa and working consequences in no sensed sandiness upon storage. Equipments USED IN KHOA MANUFACTURING PROCESS Khoa is by and large manufactured by halwais in jacketed boilers, which has several disadvantages like hapless and inconsistent quality and limited shelf life of about 5 yearss at 30AÂ °C ( International Conference on Traditional Dairy Foods, 2007 ) .Most efforts made for up-gradation of the engineering of khoa are directed towards mechanisation of the procedure and developing uninterrupted khoa doing workss ( Aneja et al. , 2002 ) . Agrawala et Al. ( 1987 ) has developed mechanised conelike procedure VAT for readying of khoa. It consists of a chromium steel steel conelike VAT with a cone angle of 60AÂ ° and steam-jacket partitioned into 4-segments for efficient usage of thermic energy and less heat loss. Due its batch type of operation, it is suited merely for doing limited measures of the merchandise. National Dairy Development Board ( NDDB ) which is situated at Anand ( Gujarat ) , India has developed an Inclined Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger ( ISSHE ) for uninterrupted industry of khoa ( Punjrath et al. , 1990 ) . Concentrated milk of 42 to 45 % entire solids is used as provender in this machine and its disposition permits the formation of a pool of boiling milk critical to formation of khoa. Thin Film Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger ( TSSHE ) system has developed by Dodeja et Al. ( 1992 ) at NDRI for the uninterrupted industry of khoa and it consists of two Scraped Surface Heat Exchangers ( SSHE ) which are arranged in a cascade manner. In this machine milk is concentrated in first SSHE to about 40-45 % Entire Solids and eventually to khoa in the 2nd SSHE. But provender for this unit is buffalo milk and therefore rendering it suited for organized little and big dairies and enterp risers which is non in the instance of Inclined Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger. The capacity of both TSSHE and SSHE is about 50 kilograms khoa per hr and many organized dairies have adopted these uninterrupted khoa doing machines. Three-stage uninterrupted khoa industry unit has been developed by Christie and Shah ( 1992 ) . It has three jacketed cylinders placed in a cascade agreement which helps in easy transportation of milk from one cylinder in to other and it works as heat money changer. The heat money changers are installed with a mechanism of supplying disposition and the incline allows the motion of the contents in longitudinal way. The unit has a variable block thrust which helps in velocity accommodation and it is extremely bulky necessitating excessively much shocking country. ( Pal and Cheryan, 1987 ) and ( Kumar and Pal, 1994 ) have implemented Reverse osmosis ( RO ) technique for the industry of khoa from cow milk and American bison milk severally. This procedure comprises pre-concentration of milk ( 2.5-fold for cow milk and 1.5-fold for buffalo m ilk ) utilizing RO procedure followed by dehydration in a steam-jacketed unfastened pan for the industry of khoa. The concluding merchandise obtained by this membrane procedure was found to be indistinguishable to the conventionally prepared merchandise. This procedure saves energy during the initial concentration of milk. In order to do this procedure uninterrupted jacketed pan should be replace with SSHE. Different workers incorporated whey solids in the signifier of whey protein dressed ore ( WPC ) in the milk and reported that increased add-on of WPC in the milk resulted in big granulation in khoa and increased output ( Dewani and Jayaprakasha, 2002 ) . FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT ISSUES DURING KHOA STORAGE Due to higher foods and high H2O activity ( .96 ) , Khoa is easy Susceptible to growing of bacteriums. Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus Cereuss are the chief contaminating micro beings in khoa and they cause many food-borne diseases. To forestall and cut down microbiological jeopardy from khoa HACCP should be applied. The microbic quality of Khoa is ab initio good during production clip and it will bit by bit deteriorate during storage and selling. The chief Critical Control Point for the impairment was identified as air-tight packaging. This job can be solved through altering the packaging stuff to muslin fabric which allows free air flow, reduced the microbic proliferation ( ICMR, 2000 ) . METHODS TO INCREASE STORAGE LIFE OF KHOA The storage life of khoa is merely two to three yearss, under ambient conditions, and 15-20 yearss under refrigerated conditions ( Ramzan and Rahman, 1973 ) . Rancidity is one of the ground which deteriorates quality of khoa and it adversely a? ECTs storage life of khoa ( Bashir et al. , 2003 ) .Addition of K sorbate vitamin E? ectively improves the storage life of khoa at higher temperatures. Jha and Verma ( 1988 ) have observed increased storage stableness of khoa for 40 yearss by add-on of K sorbate. Other workers besides stated that the storage life of khoa can be enhanced by utilizing di? erent types of nutrient preservatives and antimicrobic agents ( Wadhawa et al. , 1993 ) . At elevated temperatures the storage stableness of newly prepared khoa can be adversely a? ected. By mensurating free fatty acids, peroxide value and iodine value we can find storage stableness of khoa. The free fatso acid, peroxide and I values for newly prepared khoa were 0.025 % , 0.38 meq/kg and 80, se verally. The addition in free fatty acid and peroxide value and lessening in iodine value are the indexs of development of rancidity in khoa during three months of storage at elevated temperature. By adding BHA and BHT we can retard the development of rancidity in khoa on storage. But, BHT will move comparitively better than BHA. Therefore, we can increase the storage stableness of khoa by adding man-made antioxidants like BHA and BHT at elevated temperatures ( Rehman and Salariya, 2005 ) . Decision Although so many engineerings are developed for the production and storage of khoa, there is a still a demand of probe of chemical and physical facets during fabrication of khoa in order to understand factors responsible for quality. And all the known engineerings of fabrication of khoa should be transferred to little holder husbandmans who are the major subscribers of milk production in India.So that they can increase their monetary values of merchandises by bring forthing merchandises which will run into the modern quality criterions. Mentions: Adhikari.A.K. , Mathur.O.N. and Patil.G.R. ( 1994 ) . Interrelationships among Instron textural parametric quantities, composing and microstructure of khoa and gulabjamun made from buffalo milk, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 31 ( 4 ) .pp.279-284. Agrawala.S. P. , Sawhney.I. K. and Bikram Kumar. ( 1987 ) . Mechanized conelike procedure VAT. Patent No. 165440. Aneja.R. P. , Mathur.B. N. , Chandan.R. C. , and Banerjee.A. K. ( 2002 ) . Technology of Indian milk merchandises, 1st Ed. , Dairy India Year Book, Delhi.pp.126-128. Bashir.N. Rehman. Z. U. , Syed. Q. A ; Kashmiri.M. A. ( 2003 ) . Consequence of K sorbate on the physicochemical features of milk dressed ore ( khoa ) during different storage conditions. Pakistan Journal of Scientific Research, 55.pp. 103-109. Boghra.V. R. and Rajorhia.G.S. ( 1982 ) . Use of pre-concentrated milk for khoa devising, Asiatic Journal of Dairy Research. 1.pp.6 -12. Christie. I. S. and Shah, .U. S. ( 1992 ) . Development of a three phase khoa doing machine. Indian Dairyman.44 ( 1 ) .pp. 1 4. Dewani. P. P. and Jayaprakasha. H. M. ( 2002 ) . Consequence of add-on of whey protein dressed ore on physico-chemical and centripetal features of khoa and khoa based Sweets, Journal of Food Science and Technology.39 ( 5 ) .pp.502 506. Dodeja.A. K. , Abichandani. H. , Sarma.S. C. and Pal.D. ( 1992 ) . Continuous khoa doing system design, operation and public presentation, Indian Journal of Dairy Science. 45 ( 12 ) .pp. 671 674. FAO. ( 2001 ) .Report on the FAO E-mail Conference on Small-scale Milk Collection and Processing in Developing Countries. Chapter 3, pp.15. FAO. ( 2003 ) .A Review of Milk Production in India with Particular Emphasis on Small-Scale Producers, pp.6. FAO. ( 2002 ) . Annex I: Critical issues for hapless people in the Indian dairy sector on the thresold of a new epoch. Gothwal.P.P. and Bhavadasan.M. K. ( 1992 ) . Studies on the Browning features in dairy merchandises, Indian Journal of Dairy Science, 45 ( 3 ) .pp. 146-151 Gupta. S.K. , Patil.G.R. , Patel. A.A. , Garg.F.C. and Rajorhia.G.S. ( 1990 ) . Instron texture profile parametric quantities of khoa as influenced by composing, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 27 ( 4 ) .pp. 209-213 hypertext transfer protocol: //nddb.org/statistics/milkproduction.html hypertext transfer protocol: //www.dairyforall.com/indian-khoa.php Indian Council of Medical Research ( ICMR ) . ( 2000 ) . Application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point for betterment of quality of processed nutrients, Vol. 30, No. 5. International Conference on Traditional Dairy Foods. ( 2007 ) . National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal ( India ) , pp. 29. Jha.Y. K. A ; Verma.N. S. ( 1988 ) . Consequence of K sorbate on the shelf life of khoa, Asiatic Journal of Dairy Research, 7.pp. 195-198. Kumar. S. and Pal.D. ( 1994 ) . Production of khoa from buffalo milk concentrated by rearward osmosis procedure, Indian Journal of Dairy Science. 47 ( 3 ) .pp.211 214. Mann.B. and Gupta.A. ( 2006 ) . Chemistry of milk in relation to industry of traditional dairy merchandises, In collection of Developments in traditional dairy merchandises , Centre of Advanced Studies in Dairy engineering, NDRI, Karnal. pp.12-17. Pal.D. and Cheryan.M. ( 1987 ) . Application of rearward osmosis in the industry of khoa: Procedure optimisation and merchandise quality, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 24 ( 5 ) .pp. 233 238. Pal.D. and Gupta.S. K. ( 1985 ) . Centripetal rating of Indian milk merchandises, Indian Dairyman, 37 ( 10 ) .pp. 465-474. Pal.D and Raju.P.N. ( 2006 ) . Developments in the industry of heat desiccated traditional milk sweets, In collection of Developments in traditional dairy merchandises , Centre of Advanced Studies in Dairy engineering, NDRI, Karnal. pp.18-25. Patil.G.R. Patel.A.A. , Allan-Wojtas. P. and Rajorhia. G.S. ( 1992 ) . Microstructure and texture of khoa, Food Structure, 11:155. Punjrath.J.S. , Veeranjamlyala.B. Mathunni.M. I. , Samal.S.K. and Aneja.R. P. ( 1990 ) . Inclined scraped surface heat money changer for uninterrupted khoa devising. Indian Journal of Dairy Science. 43 ( 2 ) .pp.225 230. Ramzan. M. , and Rahman.R. U. ( 1973 ) . Tocopherol? ECT of storage clip and temperature on the quality of cow milk khoa, Pakistan Journal of Science, 25.pp. 149-154 Sindhu. J.S. , Arora.S. and Nayak. S. K. ( 2000 ) . Physico-chemical facets of autochthonal dairy merchandises, Indian Dairyman, 52 ( 10 ) .pp. 51-64. Wadhawa. B. K. , Gandhi. D. N. , and Goyal.G. K. ( 1993 ) . Enhancement in the shelf life of khoa, Indian Food Packer, 47.pp.5-53. Zia-ur Rehman and A.M. Salariya. ( 2005 ) .E? ECT of man-made antioxidants on storage stableness of Khoa a semi-solid concentrated milk merchandise, Food Chemistry 96 ( 2006 ) .pp.122-125.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Business overview of Deloitte Consulting

Business overview of Deloitte Consulting Deloitte Consulting is one of the world’s largest consulting firms, with 12,000 consultants serving more than one-third of the Fortune Global 500 in more than 30 countries. It’s a powerful firm that incorporates all types of services in its business from research through implementation. More importantly through the eyes of it’s employees it is seen as a humane, balanced, and enjoyable place to work, where talent can rise quickly. The firm which started out as Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (DTT) was initially an international accounting firm, founded in 1845 by former bankruptcy clerk William Welch Deloitte. As the firm began to grow there was increased pressure on the business to separate from their parent accounting firms, and a new strategy had to be put in motion. In March of 2003, the firm announced it had ended discussions to separate its consulting practice from the parent accounting firm, reasons included a tight credit market and poor economic conditions. Del oitte Consulting, is now fully merged back into its parent company, which is now known simply as Deloitte. The company today competes with other large and mid-size consulting firms for the business of companies that do more than $500 million in sales. It’s known primarily for its one stop shop designs that deliver â€Å"executable strategies† that it will help implement for clients of all sizes. Some of these clients include Boeing, GM, Chevron Texaco, and retailer The Gap amongst other. One of the ways Deloitte stands out form its competitors is by providing clients with a more personalized contract which takes into mind their short and long term goals as well as other factors. By have well trained consultants and project staff the firm is able to initiate strong conversation and detailed research. They are able to collaborate better and are more responsive to their needs. Deloitte has services in five service areas. The firm integrates process capabilities and servic e lines into each service area. Deloitte consultants work with eight industry groups in three geographic regions. When new people are hired into one of the regional offices they generally work in a particular geographic region. When starting your career with Deloitte, as you become more familiar with the processes ways of doing things you’ll gradually specialize in a service line and industry group. However as with any small or large organization you will initially work within different areas and on different project types. The four key business areas the company operates in include : Audit Financial advisory, Tax Consulting Market Position Deloitte Consulting is seen as one of the leaders in the industry competing with other large and midsize consulting firms. Since it’s had a reputation of quality service and commitment to it’s clients they have been able to provide a wide range of general management and information technology consulting services all around th e world. One of the main strengths the firm has is in operations consulting, as well as strategic planning, financial management, and productivity. Deloitte Consulting is in the top 3 consulting firms in the world with other firms such as, IBM and Accenture. based on Consultants News’ estimates, which include revenue from both Deloitte Consulting and DTT. On the other hand, some research firms have listed Deloitte Consulting’s revenue the highest amongst its competitors; this would rank Deloitte Consulting (independent of DTT) at number six on the following list. In 2009 Deloitte as the worldwide leader in the consulting marketplace based on aggregate revenue, growth and market share for 2009.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Campus issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Campus issue - Essay Example This assignment therefore discusses the problems that exists in Pepperdine University’s dining places and provides solutions to these problems. One day I had an interesting conversation with my friend Steve Wang who loved sports very much. He said to me, â€Å"After playing basketball with my friends, I become too tired to go upstairs to the Cafe or HAWC. Even though there is a food stand at the FF, the foods served there have lots of calories and students have to queue for long.† Another friend, Yu Duan, says â€Å"After a long sporting activity I need a nearby place to relax. The new cafe offers some nutritious foods such as chicken salad, fruits, and yogurt. However, these foods are high in calories and for sportspeople like us they are detrimental for our health.† From the sentiments of my two friends, it is clear that the University does not have enough food outlets to cater for the variant needs of students. A solution to this would be to build more food joints that would meet the need of different students especially the sportspeople. Breakfast offered in the Cafe has never changed. Omelets, sandwiches and chicken rolls have always been the order of the day. Most students have no interests in such unvaried breakfast menus offered every morning. As a result, most of the students forgo breakfast in the morning. I at one time overheard a student say, â€Å"Breakfast meals in these places are too monotonous. I am automatically full when I think of having breakfast here.† Therefore, I strongly suggest that the administration should direct the personnel in charge to vary the meals and have different meals for every morning. Although some students do not have meals in campus during the weekends, some of us who eat in school during weekends find the meals awful. Freshmen who do not have cars find it particularly difficult to drive downtown and enjoy the delicious foods in restaurants. My friend, Yu Duan, once made an interesting comment. He said, â€Å"The