Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Alexander Graham Bell And The Invention Essay - 1132 Words

ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Introduction to ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847 and was a scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator who invented the first telephone. In his later life, Bell did outstanding work in designing optical Telecommunications. Bell also contributed to other inventions as well, he designed a precursor to modern day air conditioning, he also contributed to aviation technology, and his last patent, at the age of 75, was for the fastest hydrofoil yet invented. In 1888, Bell was designated as one of the founding members of the National Geographic Society. Bell and his son-in-law, Gilbert Grosvenor, redesigned the society s dry journal and added beautiful photographs and interesting writing -- turning National Geographic into one of the world s best-known magazines. He is known as one of the founders of Science magazine. Bell died on 2nd August, 1922. On the day of his burial, all telephone service in the US was stopped for one minute in his remembrance. Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, enrolled in the University of London to study anatomy and physiology, but his college time was interrupted when his family moved to Canada in 1870. When Bell was eleven years old, he invented a machine that could clean wheat. He also learned a lot of things from his grandfather, Alexander Bell, a noted speech teacher. He assisted his father by teaching elocution and articulation His father was also a speech teacher and notedShow MoreRelatedThe Invention Of Alexander Graham Bell882 Words   |  4 Pages Alexander Graham Bell was not an American born inventor. He was born in Edinburgh Scotland March 3, 1947. His father was a formal speech teacher. This might account for his early interest in speech and sound. As a boy he was so intrigued with sound he taught himself to play the piano. When he was a teenager his mother began to lose her hearing, and this further perpetuated his entrance and desire to explore sound. Bell was a very smart young man. At age 12 he invented a machine to take theRead MoreWe’ve come a long way from Alexander Graham Bell first invention of the telephone to today’s600 Words   |  3 PagesWe’ve come a long way from Alexander Graham Bell first invention of the telephone to today’s technological gadgets. Advances in technology have helped our fast pace, moving society. For the past two decades, the advances in technology have enable us to communicate by fax, cell phone, e-mail, text message, and other social networks like never before, and the generations before us has a lot to say about it. Few people are sending letters to each other and most are using emails to communicate. It alsoRead MoreThe Man Behind The Invention Of The Telephone1082 Words   |  5 Pagesthe invention of â€Å"Telephone†, it changed the world and the way we communicate. The man behind the invention of the telephone is â€Å"Alexander Graham Bell†. He i s an inventor, teacher, scientist and engineer. 2. Alexander Graham Bell’s early stages of life a. His Family Alexander Graham Bell was born to Alexander Melville Bell and Eliza Grace on March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was named Alexander Bell, he urged his father for a middle name and his father agreed and then he chose â€Å"Graham† asRead MoreEssay about History of Telecommunications588 Words   |  3 Pagespeople and inventions that helped shaped the modern path of telecommunications. It is because of these important people and inventions that have made telecommunications into what it is now. Telecommunications technology has gone through many changes within the last one hundred to two hundred years. Many inventions such as the telephone, telegraph, and teletypewriter, have all had a profound impact on telecommunications. 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Alexander was not just some person without him or Elisha Gray it would probably be a long time in until someone thought of the invention. Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922), the Scottish-born American scientist and innovator best known as the person who invented theRead MoreSaera Sophareth Meucci vs. Graham Bell: Final Fight Debate continues to who should be credited700 Words   |  3 PagesSaera Sophareth Meucci vs. Graham Bell: Final Fight Debate continues to who should be credited with inventing the telephone. In 2002, even the US Congress succumbed to the truth and â€Å"changed its mind† on the issue gave credit to the real inventor and rewrote history that the original telephone was in fact invented by Antonio Meucci. Bell was a cunning opportunist who took all the credit for a more brilliant scientist’s work. The House of Representatives voted to recognize telecommunications genius

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