Monday, February 3, 2020

Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Final Exam - Essay Example Powerful and rich people in the society force the poor to adhere to social order and the weak to fulfill their own desires. An example to show how this happens may be illustrated in the perspective of crime management. According to conflict theorists, both the law and crime are products of power struggle. A few powerful groups like the police manipulate the legislative procedure, and forbid acts that intimidate their interests. For instance, regulations that forbid theft, trespassing, and vagrancy are believed to protect the rich from being attacked by the poor. Despite the fact that laws against actions like rape and murder seem not to be so obvious in a single social class’ interest, the powerless and the underprivileged are much more probable than the rich to be detained if they commit these kinds of crime. In addition, ethnic and class exploitation are basic roots of most of the crimes in societies. Failure of the powerful class to give legitimate opportunities to the poor is what results in high crime rates among the subject class. The criminal justice system demonstrates classism and racism, thus crime can only be wiped out only if exploitation and inequality are eliminated from the society. How lobbyists and PACS work Lobbyists direct their efforts basically at the national level, that is, to congress committees that regard administrative agencies and legislation that are mandated to write or enforce laws. They depend on individual relations with executive branch and Congress members who keep regular contact. They give evidence at committee hearings, offer data to the staff, and quite frequently, write the laws. On the other hand, Political Action Committees or simply PACs raise and issue money to political aspirants. They may be associated with prevailing interest groups like trade associations, though can exist independently. PACs do not often operate differently from interest groups, but rather finance campaigns of a larger lobby group. The act ivities lobbyists and PACs do not meet the needs of the middle and lower classes. It is not clear how their contributions really alter policies. Since the contributions by PACs go to the top officials, it has no direct impact to the common citizen. On the other hand, Lobbyists have busy schedules with little time assigned to consider the desires of the lower classes. Further, the influences made by these interest groups are mostly in favor of the executives, who belong to the upper class as compared to the interests of the middle and low classes. Most key politicians and corporations hire professional lobbyists with an aim to endorse their personal interests as intermediaries. This is of no benefit to the local citizen, who may have his interests but no one to represent him at the top ((Moen, McClain, & Walker 121). The story of Emmett Till Emmett’s visit to Money, Mississippi was a tragic one. He was a 14-year old African American boy who was brutality killed following the a llegations that he flirted with a white woman some few days earlier. His eyes were scraped out, his head shot, and his body thrown in a river. Till was brought up in a neighborhood full of working class people on the South part of Chicago. His mother had always warned him to be extremely careful wherever he went due to his race, but Till took it lightly. While at his uncle’s place, Till was accused of grapping a white woman and consequently murdered by the woman’

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